Ergonomic Checks in Tractors through Motion Capturing
Schempp, T.
Bottinger, S.
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Schempp T., Bottinger S., 2017, Ergonomic Checks in Tractors through Motion Capturing , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 58, 31-36.
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The evaluation of the ergonomic design of driver cabins is often done by asking subjects. This paper describes a proposal for a motion capturing method that allows an objective analysis and evaluation of gripping areas and of the accessibility of control elements. A camera films subjects while they are executing use cases. Simultaneously, the positions of their joints in space are measured. These positions allow the calculation of the joint angles based on the frames of the camera. Finally, comparing them with comfort angles from the literature allows the ergonomic evaluation of gripping areas. In particular, this paper explains the motion capturing process itself, the concept for an evaluation procedure of the captured motions, and a statistical model to validate the whole method with subjects.
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