Revision of the Working Time Classification to Optimize Work Processes in Modern Agriculture
Reith, S.
Frisch, J.
Winkler, B.
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Reith S., Frisch J., Winkler B., 2017, Revision of the Working Time Classification to Optimize Work Processes in Modern Agriculture , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 58, 121-126.
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Precise knowledge of work processes is necessary to estimate the working time requirements in agriculture. Working time data are key criteria for structuring, organization and economic calculation of work processes. The focus is on times for working persons as well as for equipment and work objects.
To derive specific data, transparent and variable models reflecting the reality are needed. The analysis of agricultural processes is based on systematic work classification, whereby the individual sections represent the total work and total working time, respectively. Review of existing time classifications revealed weak points resulting in the need for a revision of the time classification. The requirements include a wide applicability to agricultural work processes, understandable structuring and simultaneous consideration of man power and working equipment. The new time classification also takes actual production methods including automated recording of time data into account. If necessary, the element times can further broken down.
In conclusion, recording and analysis of working time data provide the basis for a comprehensive assessment of the status quo. Optimization of work processes reduces required time and have positive effects on the economics of work systems in agriculture.
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