Synthesis Structure and Optical Properties of PP+PbS/CdS Hybrid Nanocomposites
Novruzova, A.
Ramazanov, M.
Chianese, A.
Hajiyeva, F.
Maharramov, A.
Hasanova, U.
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Novruzova A., Ramazanov M., Chianese A., Hajiyeva F., Maharramov A., Hasanova U., 2017, Synthesis Structure and Optical Properties of PP+PbS/CdS Hybrid Nanocomposites , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 60, 61-66.
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In this paper, we report the synthesis of hybrid polymer nanocomposites PP+PbS/CdS, characterization of their structure and study of their optical properties. The structure and distribution of nanoparticles in the polymer were studied by means ofthe Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the average nanoparticle size for a hybrid nanocomposite PP+PbS/CdS is 9-12 nm. Optical and photoluminescent properties of nanocomposites were also studied. From UV spectra of nanocomposites by extrapolation method the width of the forbidden band for polymer nanocompositeswas determined. The band gap was equal to 1.65 eV for PP/PbS nanocomposites, to 2,6 eV for PP/CdS and to 3.0 eV for PP+PbS/CdS nanocomposites. Photoluminescence analysis of nanocomposites PP+PbS/CdS shows two luminescent peaks at the wavelengths of 680 nm and 715 nm of the luminescence spectrum. Therefore, for such systems, it was proved that the spectral region is expanded and it makes possible to apply such nanocomposites in various fields of science and technology.
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