Influences of Chemical Pollutants to the Biota of the Caspian Sea
Salahova, S.Z.
Topchiyeva, Sh.A.
Alakbarov, I.Kh.
Ramazanov, M.
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Salahova S., Topchiyeva S., Alakbarov I., Ramazanov M., 2017, Influences of Chemical Pollutants to the Biota of the Caspian Sea , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 60, 325-330.
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For 2012 - 2014, has been studied the pollution degree of water of the Caspian Sea of the Azerbaijan sector with the chemical pollutants and their impact on the populations and biomasses of zooplankton. Has been detected that petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations of 0,05 - 0,5 mg/L, as a rule, do not affect the survival of marine organisms if their toxic effects are not exacerbated by the influence of other toxicants. A minimum development of zooplankton was 63 ind./m3, and the maximum development marked in the summer 343 ind./m3. Biomasses changed in a range of 1,799 mg/m3 - 9,356 mg/m3. In the contract areas of the «Gunashli», «8 March» and «West Absheron» of the Caspian Sea identified the high level of nutrients in winter, and low in summer, therefore the high level of nitrate compounds was in the interval of 2,998 - 4,082 mg/L, phosphorus compounds are represented in the range of 0,143-0,218 mg/L and silicon in 26,1- 28,2 mg/L, respectively. Given the above, it may be concluded about the current lack of significant negative effects on marine ecosystems and biological resources of the Caspian Sea by oil and gas development.
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