Integrated Stability Analysis of Industrial Symbiosis Networks
Wang, F.
Gao, Y.
Dong, W.
Jia, X.
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How to Cite

Wang F., Gao Y., Dong W., Jia X., 2017, Integrated Stability Analysis of Industrial Symbiosis Networks , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 361-366.
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The concept of industrial symbiosis network (ISN) has progressed in recent years. There are lots of stability problems in the eco-industrial practices. A major challenge in stability analysis is to effectively deal with different kinds of exogenous and endogenous attributes. To promote and manage stability of ISN, this work focuses on the methodology of integrated stability analysis based on information fusion technology. This work provides an introduction of classification and characterization for stability attributes. Then, we classified into a total of 9 kinds of attributes according to the exogenous and endogenous contribution. Two-level information fusion model is proposed. A real-world ISN as a case study is presented. We consider this ISN with five plants (i.e. a combined heat and power plant, a pulp mill, a paper mill, an alkali recovery plant, and a cement plant). We use the integrated stability analysis to evaluate the stability performance of this ISN case.
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