X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of ZnO-CuO-HPS Catalyst
Sidorov, A.I.
Tkachenko, O.P.
Sulman, E.
Doluda, V.
Stepacheva, A.
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How to Cite

Sidorov A., Tkachenko O., Sulman E., Doluda V., Stepacheva A., 2017, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of ZnO-CuO-HPS Catalyst , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 607-612.
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The current paper reports the X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) study of novel ZnO-CuO based on hypercrosslinked polystyrene (HPS) catalyst for liquid phase methanol synthesis. It was shown that for the initial catalyst both Cu and Zn exist in the 2+ electronic states. The reduction treatment leads to the change of the Cu electronic state to +1. It should be noted that after the reaction the electronic state of Cu does not change. The synthesized catalyst allows reaching methanol (MeOH) formation up to 2,300 mg-MeOH∙kg-cat-1∙h-1 under the chosen reaction conditions while methane (Me) formation decreases down to 60 mg-Me∙kg-cat-1∙h-1.
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