Successful Biogas Implementation – A Mini-review on Biogas Utilization, Energy Policies and Economic Incentives
Hoo, P.Y.
Hashim, H.
Ho, W.S.
Tan, S.T.
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How to Cite

Hoo P., Hashim H., Ho W., Tan S., 2017, Successful Biogas Implementation – A Mini-review on Biogas Utilization, Energy Policies and Economic Incentives , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1495-1500.
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Biogas is considered as a renewable energy resource and its demand is increasing due to environmental concern and energy security. However, in some countries where they rely heavily on the non-renewable fossil fuels as energy source, government subsidies and dropping oil prices have made biogas a less favourable option to the market. This paper reviews successful biogas implementation as a source of energy with effective government policy support. It is concluded that integrated planning and effective policy enforcement among the government departments are the major factor to the success. The government departments included those that have direct influence on the supply and demand chain of biogas. For example, the energy department, transport department, agricultural department, waste management department, science and technology department and finance department. Economic incentives are one of the policy tools that is frequently used. Besides, strategic collaborations and strong network between the like-minded countries is also the driving factor to the success.
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