Controllability and Resiliency Analysis in Heat Exchanger Networks
Miranda, C.B.
Costa, C.B.B.
Andrade, C.M.G.
Ravagnani, M.A.S.S.
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Miranda C., Costa C., Andrade C., Ravagnani M., 2017, Controllability and Resiliency Analysis in Heat Exchanger Networks , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1609-1614.
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Synthesis of heat exchanger network (HEN) is a subject of great industrial interest. In an industrial process, it is possible to take advantage of the existing energy in its own process streams and, consequently, to reduce the utilities consumption. Operability considerations are important for the HEN design due to the uncertainties in streams temperatures and flow rates, which are very common in real operations. Therefore, the HEN design, in addition to economic interests, must consider flexibility, controllability and resiliency aspects. This paper performs the analysis of controllability and resiliency (C&R). For the configuration of the HEN control system, it is used the Relative Gain Array and Disturbance Cost index. This analysis of operability is applied in a literature example. A modification in the literature HEN is then suggested to improve network resiliency.
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