He Y., Huang T., Tan M., 2017, Analysis on Optimization and Model Selection of the Heat Transmission Performance of Heat Exchanger
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 62, 355-360.
In order to better optimize and develop heat exchanger technology, aimed at improved design of heat exchanger in the industrial loop reactor, this paper researches the heat transmission performance of heat exchanger based on CFD simulation and its optimization with the aim of establishing a 3D model for tube side and shell side of heat exchanger, so as to achieve optimal selection and design of heat exchanger. Circular tube heat exchanger of arch baffle plate is used for CFD simulation. Simulation results show that for shell side flow of circular tube heat exchanger of arch baffle plate, the fluid flows in a “Z” shape and there are flowing and heat transfer dead zones. It can be known from this that arrangement and structure of baffle plate have great influence on heat transmission and flow resistance characteristics.