Study on Preventive and Control Effect of Composite Flame Retardants on Coal Spontaneous Combustion Based on the Heating Spontaneous Combustion Test
Chen, Minghe
Liu, Zegong
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How to Cite

Chen M., Liu Z., 2017, Study on Preventive and Control Effect of Composite Flame Retardants on Coal Spontaneous Combustion Based on the Heating Spontaneous Combustion Test , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 62, 583-588.
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Coal spontaneous combustion seriously affect the safety of coal production enterprises, and using flame retardants is an important means to prevent coal spontaneous combustion. Based on the heating spontaneous combustion test, the effects of retardants, including MgCl2 flame retardant and secondary aromatic amines, on the long flame coal of Yima, bituminous coal of Pingdingshan and Yangquan anthracite are tested in this paper. The experimental results show that both kinds of flame retardants have good effects. The effect of the spontaneous combustion flame retardants on Yima long flame coal and Pingdingshan bituminous coal is better than that of MgCl2 flame retardant, but MgCl2 flame retardant has better effects on Yangquan anthracite. Moreover, the flame retardant mechanism of the two kinds of flame retardants is different. MgCl2 flame retardant absorbs water vapor in the air, while the secondary aromatic amine flame retardant will react with the free radicals generated by coal under high temperature, thereby cutting off the chain of coal oxidation reaction.
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