Study on Fire Endurance of Chemical Post-Installed Rebar Member Under Coupling Condition
Gou, Yong
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Gou Y., 2017, Study on Fire Endurance of Chemical Post-Installed Rebar Member Under Coupling Condition , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 62, 985-990.
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In order to study the fire endurance of chemical post-installed rebar member under coupling condition, the depth of embedded steel bars (15d, 20d) and the coverage coats (25 mm, 40 mm, 60 mm) are investigated. Six specimens exposed to the ISO834 standard temperature were tested. In the fire test of embedded steel bars, the load applied on the specimens was about 10 percent of the designed, and then the load was added to make the specimens Invalid after specified time. The results show that the depth of embedded steel bars and the thickness of protective layer have important influence on the ultimate bearing capacity of the steel bars in the fire. A constant load temperature rise test has been carried out, in which the load applied on the specimens was about 80 percent of the designed load and was kept constant until the specimens was broken. The results show that when the thickness of protective layer is less than 40 mm, the depth of embedded steel and the thickness of protective layer have an important influence on the fire resistance; When the thickness of protection layer is more than 40 mm, the influence on the fire resistance is greater than the thickness of the protective layer.
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