Application of Darcy Formula in Analyzing the Infiltration Mechanism of the Red Clay Considering the Effective Porosity
Li, Shanmei
Liu, Zhikui
Meng, Jianping
He, Tianjie
Chen, Jiayu
Mu, Chunmei
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How to Cite

Li S., Liu Z., Meng J., He T., Chen J., Mu C., 2017, Application of Darcy Formula in Analyzing the Infiltration Mechanism of the Red Clay Considering the Effective Porosity , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 62, 1081-1086.
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There are closed pores and dead end pores in red clay, resulting in that the effective pores are less than the actual pores. Therefore, the permeability coefficient calculated according to the traditional Darcy law is greater than the actual value. Based on the traditional Darcy law theory, the empirical calculating formula of the effective porosity-Darcy permeability coefficient is derived by estimating the diameter of the soil particle and the effective porosity. According to the permeation test of different chloride solutions in red clay, the applicability of calculated permeability coefficient of different effective porosity-Darcy law and the actually measured value in red clay is compared. It is found that the permeability coefficient calculated by the traditional Darcy law has a larger deviation from the measured value, and the permeability coefficient calculated by the maximum compaction-Darcy law is consistent with the measured value the most.
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