The Effect of Potential to Colour and COD Removal from Waste Textile Industry by Electrochemical Method
Riyanto, Riyanto
Rua, Jumardin
Fajrin, Mega Maghfirotul
Rohayati, Zaina
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Riyanto R., Rua J., Fajrin M. M., Rohayati Z., 2018, The Effect of Potential to Colour and COD Removal from Waste Textile Industry by Electrochemical Method, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 751-756.
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The waste textile industry is one of the problems to the human life as well as environment. In this study, the treatment of the waste textile industry by the electrochemical method using stainless steel as anode and cathode was investigated. The effect of potential to color and COD removal were investigated. The research consists of several stages, the electrode composition analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX). The electrolysis waste textile industry has been done using various potential. Degradation parameter is Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were analysis using spectrometry method. The research results show that stainless steel electrode has composition are iron (72.2 %), chromium (18.9 %), nickel (7.6 %) and silica (1.4 %). After electrolysis at potential constant (3 V) shows percentage degradation of the waste textile industry is 98.56 %. The percentage reduction in COD value of textile waste electrolyzed in optimum condition is 50.38 %. As conclusions are the potential at 3 V and stainless-steel electrode as a good parameter and material for electrochemical degradation of the waste textile industry.
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