The Effect of Aeration and Hydrogen Peroxide on the Electrochemical Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Carbon Composite Electrodes
Riyanto, Riyanto
Mawazi, Muhamad
Rua, Jumardin
Ridwan, Rama Prasetia
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Riyanto R., Mawazi M., Rua J., Ridwan R. P., 2018, The Effect of Aeration and Hydrogen Peroxide on the Electrochemical Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Carbon Composite Electrodes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 811-816.
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The effect of aeration and hydrogen peroxide to the electrolysis degradation of methylene blue using carbon composite has been done. Methylene blue is a dye which is most commonly used in the textile industry. In the coloring process, methylene blue only used about 5 %, while the remaining 95 % will be disposed of as waste. This compound is quite stable and non-degradable; hence it is very difficult to be degraded in nature and harmful to the environment. The aim of this study is to degrade methylene blue using electrochemical oxidation with the addition of sodium chloride as electrolyte and using carbon electrode. In this study, we use carbon composite in the electrolysis process. The advantages of carbon electrodes are low cost, wide potential window, inert and electrocatalysis activity for a variety of redox reaction. The study was conducted to determine the optimum result degradation of methylene blue by electrolysis method with aeration and hydrogen peroxide in the electrolysis process. The result of the analysis showed the aeration and hydrogen peroxide in the electrolysis process was shorter time electrolysis is 10 min. As a conclusion is the aeration and hydrogen peroxide can be used for improve performance to the electrochemical oxidation of methylene blue using carbon composite. This method is very simple equipment, easy operation and friendly for environmental.
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