Application of Higher Mathematics in Different Disciplines - Taking Chemical Thermodynamics as an Example
Zhang, Yuling
Li, shuanzhu
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Zhang Y., Li shuanzhu, 2018, Application of Higher Mathematics in Different Disciplines - Taking Chemical Thermodynamics as an Example, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 361-366.
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As a basic subject, higher mathematics has been widely applied in various disciplines and all aspects of life. This article, based on higher mathematics thoughts, introduces basic concepts of higher mathematics such as calculus to analyze the application of higher mathematics in chemical thermodynamics. In this paper, the continuity and total differential properties of chemical thermodynamic state functions are summarized, and the derivation of thermodynamic formula is accomplished through these properties and the principle of calculus. This paper discusses the relation and difference between the process function and the state function to avoid the confusion of concepts in the process of thermodynamics calculation. It also points out the significance of higher mathematics in studying thermodynamics and the necessary of using higher mathematics to solve and deal with chemical problems. The application of higher mathematics can provide a better understanding on chemical thermodynamics and cultivate the ability to solve practical problems with higher mathematics knowledge and thoughts.
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