Study in the Approach Prediction Ability of the Euler PDF Transport by Different Models of Turbulence
Habib, Rouan Serik
Bounif, Abdelhamid
Bouzit, Mohamed
Larbi, Ahmed Amine
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Habib R.S., Bounif A., Bouzit M., Larbi A.A., 2018, Study in the Approach Prediction Ability of the Euler PDF Transport by Different Models of Turbulence, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 409-414.
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The main objective of this study is the evaluation of the numerical capacity of the RANS-EPDF hybrid method, by comparing different turbulence models, with numerical simulations in a turbulent jet flame (hydrogen / air), using the method of Eulerian multi-environment transport to model the turbulence-chemistry interaction. And predict take-off height, flame ignition and extinction, as well as kinetic control of NOX species. The study was applied with three turbulence models, the modified k-e, k-e and the RSM. Numerical results are compared and discussed with experimental data. It was concluded that predictions of the modified k-e model are more credible than other turbulence models and favor more impact on the optimization of computational methods.
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