Statistical Homogeneity Zoning of a High and Steep Slope Based on Chi-Square Test
Li, Ming
Bao, Shuochao
Liu, Huiming
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Li M., Bao S., Liu H., 2018, Statistical Homogeneity Zoning of a High and Steep Slope Based on Chi-Square Test, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 451-456.
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This paper aims to develop an objective and rational method for statistical homogeneity zoning of high and steep slopes. For this purpose, the fracture trace length was introduced to the statistical homogeneity zoning based on the statistical similarity among the samples. Besides, a chi-square contingency table was established for fractured trace length. The established zoning method was applied to a typical high and steep slope near a chemical plant in Jilin Province, China. The results show that the zoning differs greatly among fractures of the same occurrence but different lengths. The research findings lay a solid theoretical basis for the slope stability analysis of chemical plant.
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