Application of Centrifugal Pump Rotor Dynamic Balancing Technique
Geng, Guoqiang
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How to Cite

Geng G., 2018, Application of Centrifugal Pump Rotor Dynamic Balancing Technique, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 769-774.
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In order to avoid the vibration of centrifugal pump, rotors are required to present a reasonable mass distribution, which is also called rotor balance. In this paper, the principles of centrifugal pump were described and the operating technique for rotor dynamic balancing was discussed. Taking cantilever centrifugal pump for example, the rotor dynamic balancing technique was studied. Causes of centrifugal pump vibration were analyzed, and the effect of vibration was eliminated through reasonable correction. Due to the structure and working principle, a centrifugal pump would unavoidably present rotor imbalance, triggering body vibration. Rotor balancing technique is of importance to centrigural pump because it is obvious that its rotor imbalance iscaused by its performance characteristics.
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