Research on Network Remote Control of Mine Robot Based on Fusion Algorithm
Li, Jixiang
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How to Cite

Li J., 2018, Research on Network Remote Control of Mine Robot Based on Fusion Algorithm, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 931-936.
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It is used to study network remote control of mine robot using fusion algorithm. With reference to relevant literature, network remote control system of mine robot is established through TCP/IP communication protocol, Visual studio C++.NET 2003, and MFC library to realize remote monitoring by using a visual interface program. As a result, in the hill climbing test, if the robot receives a command to advance in the north direction, it will autonomously and steadily go northward on the hill. At the same time, monitor screen can also be transmitted to the operation center in real time. In the hill climbing test, track robot in this article can successfully achieve autonomous navigation and screen transfer under the network remote control navigation and monitoring, thus achieving semi-automatic control.
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