NoTeS: Non-Technical Skills for Safety. Safety Interventions Implemented in Chemical Plant
Mariani Marco, Giovanni
Guglielmi, Dina
Chiesa, Rita
Violante, Francesco
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How to Cite

Mariani Marco G., Guglielmi D., Chiesa R., Violante F., 2018, NoTeS: Non-Technical Skills for Safety. Safety Interventions Implemented in Chemical Plant, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 337-342.
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Organizational safety is not only influenced by technological aspects and technical skills, but also by such factors, as regulatory and business pressures, job demands, workers’ behaviours and skill. However, a need to consider Non-Technical Skills (NTS), that can contribute to a safer and more efficient task performance should be considered. A research group of the University of Bologna developed an organizational intervention named “NoTeS – Non-Technical Skills for Safety”, which aims to give an effective answer to companies that want to enhance safety in their own work environment. The paper describes the four phases of this intervention. In addition, safety interventions in chemical plants are analysed. Finally, the first positive outcome of improving safety in chemical plants based on participants’ reactions, behaviour and interesting perspectives is discussed.
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