Distribution Characteristics of Chemical Pollution Particulates in Oak Forest Area of Taihang Mountains
Zhen, Hongwei
Guo, Hua
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Zhen H., Guo H., 2018, Distribution Characteristics of Chemical Pollution Particulates in Oak Forest Area of Taihang Mountains, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 631-636.
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With the development of modern industrial production and transportation, particulate matter in the chemical industry has become the main pollutant in the city, and the regulating effect of mountain forest on airborne particulate matter has become a hot issue in air pollution control research. This paper analyses the distribution characteristics of pollutants in Oak (OAK) forest area of Taihang Mountains, and then summarizes the distribution characteristics and laws of chemical particulate matters. The results showed that within one day, the air pollutant concentration in the OAK forest area is smaller at 10:00 and 13:00, and the concentration is greater at 7:00 and 16:00; located in the subtropical monsoon humid climate zone, Taihang Mountains has heavier air pollution in mountain forest areas in winter and spring, and air pollution is relatively lighter in summer and autumn due to multiple rainfalls; the air pollution index (API) in the forest area of Taihang Mountains meets the national standard, indicating that mountain forests can help improve urban ecological environment.
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