Air Quality Monitoring Network for Tracking Pollutants: the Case Study of Salerno City Center
Sofia, Daniele
Giuliano, Aristide
Gioiella, Filomena
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Sofia D., Giuliano A., Gioiella F., 2018, Air Quality Monitoring Network for Tracking Pollutants: the Case Study of Salerno City Center, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 68, 67-72.
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In urban cities it is common to find a series of substances in atmosphere responsible to cause damages to human health. These substances are constantly produced by human activities and they focus mainly on urban and/or metropolitan areas. Low-cost sensors have a great potential to revolutionize the way to monitor the exposure of the population to the atmospheric pollution because they offer the ability to collect temporal and spatial data. In fact, one of the challenges associated with these data coming from this kind of source is to try to make them more general by combing them in the form of a network. In this work a dispersion model is used to test the distribution of dusts (2.5 µm) at the level of the individual points of network. The chosen monitoring area is in a seaside town of South Italy. The monitoring network is composed by three sensory systems located in some relevant points for anthropic activity. We have applied an interpolation model to determine the areas of greatest pollution concentration in the monitored area. The model simulated the pollution movements at the level of the individual monitoring points. Furthermore the model has also considered the meteorological conditions.
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