Design of Cost-Optimal Heat Exchanger Networks Considering Individual, Match-Dependent Cost Functions
Rathjens, Matthias
Fieg, Georg
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Rathjens M., Fieg G., 2018, Design of Cost-Optimal Heat Exchanger Networks Considering Individual, Match-Dependent Cost Functions , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 601-606.
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In this paper an approach is presented to incorporate different cost considerations for each match individually for the cost-optimal design of heat exchanger networks. The utilized Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming model allows the use of different cost functions for each possible match allowing the simultaneous optimization of investment and operating costs. Distinct parameters for cost functions can be defined for each connection of heat source and sink independent of process stream or utility stream. The implementation of the proposed approach enables the use of match-based individual factors to account for fluid properties (e.g. hazardous or corrosive) and resulting engineering cost, plant layout-based factors like piping, piping bridges and pumping as well as other individual parameters. The model allows the embedding of additional cost factors to ensure the safety for specified streams or to take account for different types of heat exchangers used for different process conditions. In order to show the functionality of the chosen approach one small example and one medium example for heat exchanger network synthesis based on a given plant layout for heat sources and sinks are given. Starting from given Cartesian coordinates the individual distances of the heat sources and sinks utilizing the Manhattan distance (1-norm) is included to calculate individual piping costs in addition to the apparatus costs of the heat exchangers themselves. The impact on the heat exchanger network layout of different parametrizations to find the lowest total annual cost is shown.
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