Assessing the Change in Environmental Impact Categories when Replacing Conventional Plastic with Bioplastic in Chosen Application Fields
Koch, Daniel
Mihalyi, Bettina
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Koch D., Mihalyi B., 2018, Assessing the Change in Environmental Impact Categories when Replacing Conventional Plastic with Bioplastic in Chosen Application Fields , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 853-858.
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Biomass-derived bioplastic has potential to replace conventional plastic of fossil origin in plastics applications where sufficiently similar material properties can be achieved. The desired result of substitution would support the plastics industry with renewable resources and also lead to a reduction in fossil CO2 emissions. These conditions are necessary for sustainable development and it is equally vital to prevent the shift of the environmental problem. Consequently, it is important to evaluate and consider environmental impacts holistically. For this investigation one option is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. Plastic is the collective term for polymeric materials, where the diversity and specifications of plastic products in production and application are enormous. In order to support the introduction of bioplastics into the market, it is important to focus on products that have a high potential for environmental sustainability when replacing conventional plastics. The objective of this study is to examine the application of a flexible LCA tool on four different examples, where bioplastic substitutes conventional plastic, to understand the change of environmental performances in the respective replacement. Setting the scope, samples from the following four plastic application fields are considered: Packaging, Building & Construction, Electrical & Electronic and Household. The change in the impact categories global warming potential GWP, acidification potential AP and eutrophication potential EP is taken into account. All assessed scenarios show a reduction in GWP and an increase in AP and EP. The product example from Building & Construction evaluating polyethylene, shows the highest potential of all examples to reduce GWP but simultaneously has the largest increase in AP and EP. This study confirms the concern of the problem shift for a bioplastic industry and encourages that environmental impacts should be made accessible in a transparent way, specifying assumptions and limitations of the quantitative outcome. These findings highlight the importance and need to consider the entire impact on the environment when implementing a novel technology that aims at sustainable development.
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