Modelling of the Monitoring and Control System of Extraction Units with Nuclear-safe Tanks via Use of Capillary Impulse Lines with Differential Low-pressure Gages
Nadezhdin, Igor S.
Zelenetskaya, Ekaterina P.
Goryunov, Aleksey G.
Denisevich, Aleksandr A.
Manenti, Flavio
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Nadezhdin I.S., Zelenetskaya E.P., Goryunov A.G., Denisevich A.A., Manenti F., 2018, Modelling of the Monitoring and Control System of Extraction Units with Nuclear-safe Tanks via Use of Capillary Impulse Lines with Differential Low-pressure Gages , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1405-1410.
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This paper focuses on the computer-aided simulation of extraction process in the cascade of reverse-flow centrifugal extractors with nuclear-safe tanks. The major objective of this work is to design an advanced control system for enhancement of extracting technology efficiency. The basis of the monitoring and control system is that the systems should be based on non-destructive measuring techniques. Two models of monitoring systems are being considered: the measuring system in nuclear-safe tanks where capillary impulse lines are used for measurement of differential pressure at various points in the process media, and model of spectrometric system. The density measurement in both presented systems is indirect. The experimental studying of monitoring spectrometric system have shown that the accuracy of experimental data less than 1 % in steady-state condition and more than 3 % in a dynamic one. The accuracy degradation is due to air bubbles presents in the solvent stream.
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