Experimental Study of the Air Heat Pump for Domestic Hot Water
Szreder, Mariusz
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How to Cite

Szreder M., 2018, Experimental Study of the Air Heat Pump for Domestic Hot Water , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1831-1836.
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The article contains the results of the experimental research of the air heat pump for the preparation of domestic hot water (DHW). An installation consisting of a modular heat pump for hot water connected to two storage tanks with a capacity of 130 dm3 each was the object of the research. The article presents the results of investigations on the influence of the supply air temperature in the evaporator cycle and the variable heat load of the condenser on the heating capacity of the heat pump and the coefficient of performance (COP). The tests were carried out for water heating cycles in the storage tank from room temperature to 50 °C. The research shows that heating water in a 130 dm3 storage tank with ventilation or external air at a temperature above 15 °C takes an average of 2 h, and the heat pump consumes approx. 2.2 kWh of energy per heating cycle. Pump operation in winter is possible with the use of ventilation air, but with the discharge of air cooled outside the building. In order to ensure conditions for effective compressor operation, it is advisable to gradate heat load of the heat pump. The optimal solution is to use a circulating pump with smooth regulation of performance. The air source heat pump for DHW heating is an ideal solution for heating systems equipped with solid fuel boilers. It is a maintenance-free and economical system for producing domestic hot water outside the heating season.
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