Chemical Constituents of Chrysanthemum Morifolium in Food Processing
Zhang, Ming
Bian, Fuyong
Han, Chaozhi
Li, Guangfu
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How to Cite

Zhang M., Bian F., Han C., Li G., 2018, Chemical Constituents of Chrysanthemum Morifolium in Food Processing, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 71, 1195-1200.
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Based on the study on the type of compounds and pharmacological activity of wild chrysanthemums, the chemical composition identification of wild chrysanthemums under terpenoids and flavonoids is discussed. X-4 type micro melting point analyzer, Bruker ACF-500 nuclear magnetic resonance instrument and Agilent 1100 MSD Trap electrospray mass spectrometer are used and the chemical composition of wild chrysanthemums is extracted and identified with analytical reagents. 12.3kg of dried wild chrysanthemums herb is crushed and different proportions of ethanol are heated and recycled for the extraction. It is finally divided into 4 types of chemical composition: chrysanthguaianolide A, chrysanthguaianolide B, chrysanthguaianolide C and apressin. This analysis of chemical composition of wild chrysanthemums has achieved good results and can provide an operable model for the extraction of chemical composition of plants.
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