Sorptive Deformation of Porous Sorbents
Tvardovskiy, Andrei
Fomkin, Anatolii
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Tvardovskiy A., Fomkin A., 2019, Sorptive Deformation of Porous Sorbents, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 73, 211-216.
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Deformations of granulated recuperative activated carbon AR-V (produced in granulated form from coal dust (coals mixture) and adhesion agents by steam treatment at the temperature of 1100 — 1200K) upon carbon tetrachloride adsorption has been studied. To solve this problem a dilatometer was used. Its main part was a line differential transformer, the core of which was connected to the adsorbent by means of a rod. Any changes in the adsorbent height caused a change in the core position in the transformer, which influenced the signal recorded from its secondary winding. These results were compared with the adsorption isotherms.
Also deformations of cation – substituted vermiculite (Na form) upon water vapor sorption have been studied. The sorbent used was plate – formed, anisotropic, and swelled only in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plates. The results obtained were compared with the sorption, calorimetry (a Calvet – type microcalorimeter with a microbalance attachment was used) and X-ray data. High sensitivity of the dilatometric method to the structural changes of the laminated silicates whose cell structures expand upon hydration has been shown. The dilatometer used allowed the measurement of absolute deformations in the range 1(10-7 to 3(10-3 m.
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