Ceramic Membranes Modified by Carbon Used for Laundry Wastewater Treatment
Polak, Daniel
Fabianowski, Wojciech
Rosinski, Mateusz
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Polak D., Fabianowski W., Rosinski M., 2019, Ceramic Membranes Modified by Carbon Used for Laundry Wastewater Treatment, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 931-936.
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Ceramic multichannel membranes made of Al2O3 were modified by carbon structures such as graphite. It has been proved that modifications are stable in time and washing durable.
Carbon coatings changed membrane properties such as surface contact angle and filtration coefficient. Several filtration tests using real laundry wastewater were conducted. Different permeate fluxes and permeate qualities were obtained for different membrane modifications.
The paper describes how different modifications affect the laundry wastewater filtration process conducted using modified membranes.
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