Characterization of Extracts from Heamatococcus Pluvialis Red Phase by Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction
Casella, Patrizia
Rimauro, Juri
Iovine, Angela
Mehariya, Sanjeet
Musmarra, Dino
Molino, Antonio
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Casella P., Rimauro J., Iovine A., Mehariya S., Musmarra D., Molino A., 2019, Characterization of Extracts from Heamatococcus Pluvialis Red Phase by Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 1417-1422.
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The request for natural products such as antioxidant pigments derived from microalgae, i.e. ßbeta-carotene, lutein and astaxanthin, is growing. In this context, astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant produced by Haematococcus pluvialis, used as an additive in animal feed and as a food supplement, has been extracted by acceleratedor solvent extraction using acetone and ethanol as green and safe solvents, and hexane and chloroform:methanol (1:1) performing the best operative operating conditions. The obtained extracts showed not only the recovery of mainly astaxanthin but also other carotenoids, such as lutein and in lesser part of ßbeta-carotene. In addition, the composition of the extracts was analyzed by highlighting the content of other valuable bio-products such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and Total Dietary Fibers. The best extraction performance was finding found using acetone and ethanol as solvent.
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