Developing and implementing a Human Reliability improvement program for a multinational petrochemicals company
McLeod, Ronald
De Araujo, Douglas
Meireles, Antonio
Thompson, Timothy
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McLeod R., De Araujo D., Meireles A., Thompson T., 2019, Developing and implementing a Human Reliability improvement program for a multinational petrochemicals company, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 77, 259-264.
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Achieving highly reliable human performance, whether in the production and efficiency of operations, health and safety, environmental protection or elsewhere is essential to achieving the highest levels of safety, reliability and industrial effectiveness in all aspects of chemical manufacturing and associated operations. While Braskem's personal and process safety data show performance comparable with industry leaders, opportunity for improvement was identified through a focus on improved human reliability. Drawing on leading edge scientific thinking and industry best practices in Human Factors, Applied Psychology and Behavioural Science, twenty-two specific improvement elements were identified in three strategic pillars: Leadership and Culture; Fitness and Competence; and Technology and Work Systems. The pillars and improvement elements have been integrated into Braskem's corporate management system, supported by Directives and associated training. This paper summarises the work done in developing and validating Braskem's Human Reliability programme, including the rationale for the strategic decisions made.
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