Waste risk assessment in SEVESO establishment- Case study
Sikorova, Katerina
Bernatik, Ales
Veznikova, Hana
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Sikorova K., Bernatik A., Veznikova H., 2019, Waste risk assessment in SEVESO establishment- Case study, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 77, 529-534.
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The goal of this paper is to aim at issue of hazardous waste management from the perspective of major accident prevention. Hazardous wastes usually perform a relatively small part from a total amount of dangerous substances used and stored in certain industrial activities classified under the SEVESO III Directive (European Commission, 2013). In case of hazardous waste establishment (e.g. hazardous waste incineration), completely different quantities of wastes with similar dangerous chemical properties (e.g. HP3-flammable, HP14-ecotoxic) are stored for purposes of next liquidation. This paper will focus on selected hazardous wastes which present the risk of a major accident, either alone or in the event of the formation of mixtures thereof, which may cause dangerous reactions.
A characteristic feature of the process of burning industrial waste is to mix various types of waste to achieve the required combustion temperature. For case study was selected hazardous wastes which are imported frequently and occur in the largest amount in the area of hazardous waste incineration. Identification of risk sources was realized within the establishment where hazardous wastes are accepted, reloaded and stored. In case of major accident which can lead to serious danger to human health or the environment were identified these accident scenarios:major fire on the facility containing flammable waste (liquid, solid)major release of ecotoxic liquid waste to the environmentFirst scenario can be caused by traffic accident inside the establishment, incident during the process of loading/unloading, hole in pipeline etc. Second scenario can lead to water contamination due to leakage on hard surface and next distribution via sewerage system. In case of flood direct release to the nearest watercourse can be considered. Finally, soil environment together with underground water can be endangered through the infiltration of liquid hazardous waste being escaped from the facility.
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