Effective KPI Setting to Process Safety Management System in Design Phase for Oil and Gas Plant Projects
Tanabe, Masayuki
Miyake, Atsumi
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Tanabe M., Miyake A., 2019, Effective KPI Setting to Process Safety Management System in Design Phase for Oil and Gas Plant Projects, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 77, 541-546.
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Following major accidents, such as the Seveso and the Piper Alpher, design phase process safety performance has been improved by applying a "risk based' regulations (e.g. safety case regulations) and Plant Owner Company standards as efforts to enhance safety in the oil and gas industry. However, major accident events continue to occur. This is inevitable, since risk cannot be nil if hazardous materials are being handled. A potential area for further improvement of the process safety performance, especially in the design phase, is the a "quality' of process safety information, which is the foundation of the safety management system of the operational process. Thus, managing process safety activities, which requires establishing high-quality process safety information, is the ultimate objective of process safety management in the design phase. In this paper, the following aspects are discussed and suggested:Some important elements of Process Safety Management (PSM) System in design phase are discussed, such as approach evaluating difficulties/ characteristics of technical Process Safety requirements in project, Process Safety organization structure types depending on level of technical Process Safety requirements, and approach developing effective communication channel with related engineering disciplines.
Design process safety Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tiers are proposed, which are not available as industrial practice differently from Operation Phase PS-KPI. Since the evaluation of design process safety management performance is not straightforward, as records of process safety incidents are applicable only during the operational phase.
A simple model allowing numerical indications of design PS KPI performance evaluation is proposed using a Markov model. Where no numerical indicator is available, the review or monitoring of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) is not effective and does not fully capture specific remedial action plans. Based on reference data from actual project, a sensitivity study has been conducted in order to identify effective Design Phase PSM performance improvement parameters.
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