Explosion mitigation using aqueous solutions of water and flame inhibitors
van Wingerden, Kees
Holme, Morten
Olsen, Kjetil
Roosendans, Dirk
Hoorelbeke, Pol
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van Wingerden K., Holme M., Olsen K., Roosendans D., Hoorelbeke P., 2019, Explosion mitigation using aqueous solutions of water and flame inhibitors, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 77, 967-972.
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The current paper describes results of tests performed with aqueous solutions of flame inhibitors at a larger-scale. Two sets of experiments were performed: experiments using superheated aqueous solutions and experiments where aqueous solutions were dispersed using a water deluge system. The main aim of these experiments was to verify the effects seen on small-scale on a larger scale to verify the possibility of using this mitigation technique on industrial scale. Both sets of experiments were performed in a congested 50m3 chamber provided with explosion venting. To generate water-mists directly at a larger-scale in sufficiently high concentrations a dispersion of superheated aqueous solutions of potassium carbonate seems to be the only viable solution. The application of a water deluge system implies relying on break-up of the large water droplets by the accelerating explosion flame itself.
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