Size Distribution of Drops in a Regular-packed Scrubber
Yeskendirov, Marat
Volnenko, Alexander
Khussanov, Zhakhongir
Yeskendirova, Marina
Tileuov, Gamidulla
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Yeskendirov M., Volnenko A., Khussanov Z., Yeskendirova M., Tileuov G., 2020, Size Distribution of Drops in a Regular-packed Scrubber, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 80, 115-120.
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The equation for the calculation of a mean size of liquid drops and a kind of a dimensional distribution function of the drops formed at a liquid dispersion in a regular-packed scrubber have been suggested in the present article. The proposed technique is based on the maximum entropy principle (MEP) with use of a dissipative approach. It was established that the distribution of drops according to their sizes in a regular-packed scrubber is described by the Rosin-Rambler equation. The influence of a turbulent gas flow’s energy on a liquid’s dispersion process is taken into consideration by application of the Kolmogorov-Obukhov law. The article contains the comparison of the calculation and experimental results. Despite the application of a number of simplifications at the modelling the experimental data have shown a satisfactory correspondence to the calculated results. The results obtained can be useful at engineering design of chemical apparatuses.
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