Integrated Production of Fuels, Energy and Chemicals from Jatropha Curcas: Multi-objective Optimisation of Sustainable Value Chains
Doliente, Stephen
Samsatli, Sheila
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Doliente S., Samsatli S., 2020, Integrated Production of Fuels, Energy and Chemicals from Jatropha Curcas: Multi-objective Optimisation of Sustainable Value Chains, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 80, 343-348.
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In this work, a comprehensive optimisation model, based on mixed-integer linear programming, was developed that can support complex decision-making related to multi-product Jatropha value chains and can capture the trade-offs between water, energy and land utilisation. The model can identify promising Jatropha value chains for sustainable and efficient production of energy, fuels and chemicals. This paper presents the optimisation model and the key findings from a preliminary case study on biodiesel production for the Philippines.
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