A Novel Optimisation Framework to Support Increased Uptake of Low Carbon Industrial Energy Systems
Oluleye , Gbemi
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Oluleye G., 2020, A Novel Optimisation Framework to Support Increased Uptake of Low Carbon Industrial Energy Systems, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1063-1068.
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Combustion of fossil fuels in industrial energy systems (IES) is responsible for over 45 % of CO2 emissions. Low Carbon IES will go a long way in achieving the climate goal of the Paris Agreement; yet, uptake of concepts to deliver low carbon IES is slow. Cost and emissions minimisation based optimisation frameworks applied to design and assess IES, though important, are not able to directly quantify the uptake of new technologies to deliver low carbon IES in a country or region. This work presents a novel MINLP framework capable of directly maximing the adoption of low carbon IES within a country and region whilst determining the optimal energy flows and associate costs. The method is applied to a case stufy of 6,181 energy systems in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in 27 EU countries to support increased adoption of technology switching (from combustion to electrochemistry), and fuel switching (from natural gas to biogas). Results show that without policy interventions uptake of these measures is only in 0.2 % of the plants located in Denmark, with policy intervention uptake increases to 60 % in more countries. The novel framework shows how the uptake of a new cleaner technology in a country or region can be accelerated.
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