Development of Information Resources to Ensure Continuing Education and Knowledge Transfer in Chemical Universities
Makarova, Anna
Pavlicheva, Elena N.
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Makarova A., Pavlicheva E.N., 2020, Development of Information Resources to Ensure Continuing Education and Knowledge Transfer in Chemical Universities, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1279-1284.
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Modern education requires the integration of content and learning technologies. Distance learning is not only an opportunity to study individually, regardless of the place and time, but it is also the opportunity to learn during the whole life. Development of the resources can provide continuing education and knowledge transfer at various universities, including chemical. ?ll countries over the world there is an increase in the number of remote students, the number of universities involving them in the educational process is growing as well; a large number of international educational structures are being created, etc. The relevance of the study is the fact that the supports of management information processes of distance education is associated with the problem of effective distribution of system resources which are used in the transmission and processing of educational information. The aim of this study is a comprehensive analysis and development of methods of resources management in the organisation and operation of distance education systems. The scientific novelty of research: formalisation of information management processes in the system of distance education, taking into account the resources constraints of the educational system and the requirements of effective management. The authors conducted a study of educational information and reference resources for distance education. Reviewing the results, it is advisable to focus on the implementation of functional elements that increase the interactivity of the site.
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