Odour Emission Rate Estimation Methods for Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks
Invernizzi, Marzio
Sironi, Selena

How to Cite

Invernizzi M., Sironi S., 2021, Odour Emission Rate Estimation Methods for Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 85, 67-72.


At the time to renew the Integrated Environmental Permit of oil refineries, Italian environmental institutions are nowadays requiring a detailed Odour Monitoring Program, based on the use of dynamic olfactometry and atmospheric dispersion modelling. Oil refineries are complex plants and many of the VOC emission are diffuse. Despite the difficulties of describing these emission phenomena, a characterization of these emissions is needed. The paper describes the state-of-the-art methodologies for the emissions from hydrocarbon tanks, and provides an overview of possible measures and methods useful to implement an accurate odour impact assessment from refineries tank farms.