Use of Sunflower Protein in Snack Bars
Baurina, Alexandra V.
Baurin, Dmitry V.
Shakir, Irina v.
Panfilov, Victor I.

How to Cite

Baurina A.V., Baurin D.V., Shakir I. v., Panfilov V.I., 2021, Use of Sunflower Protein in Snack Bars, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 87, 1-6.


The production of new healthy low-carbohydrate, high-protein plant-based snacks is one of the food industry’s major trends. Alternative plant protein source, such as sunflower protein isolate, appears to be a promising ingredient for protein bars. Sunflower protein isolate is a secondary product with a high added value obtained from sunflower meal after the extraction of sunflower oil from seeds. One of the advantages of the sunflower protein compared to other plant proteins (such as soy, pea, and wheat) is the high content of helianthinin, which makes it highly digestible (up to 95%) and low allergenic, thus, helping avoid bloating, heartburn and upset stomach. It also has a high content of chlorogenic acid, making it an excellent antioxidant. This work aimed to determine the effect on nutritional, physicochemical, and organoleptic properties of snack bars if enriched with sunflower protein powder. Crude protein, fat, fiber, and moisture were assessed. Snack bars containing sunflower protein had low-moisture, were low in lipids, free of antinutrients, and were a good source of proteins. The results demonstrated that using isolate and concentrate, obtained from sunflower meal, in snack bars is a practical alternative to other plant proteins, which are often allergens. Not only does it help maintain the physicochemical characteristics of the product, but it helps improve the nutritional value as well.