Physics-Informed Neural Network for Unreacted-Core Shrinking Model of Coal Gasification
Li, Ming Jian
Su, Zengrong
He, Chang
Zhang, Bingjian
Chen, Qinglin

How to Cite

Li M.J., Su Z., He C., Zhang B., Chen Q., 2021, Physics-Informed Neural Network for Unreacted-Core Shrinking Model of Coal Gasification, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 88, 445-450.


Physics-informed neural network (PINN) has achieved success in many science and engineering disciplines by encoding physical laws into the loss functions of the neural network. Compared with traditional numerical method, PINN transformed the problem of solving differential equations into the optimization of loss functions by automatic differentiation. In this work, PINN is apply to solve the coal gasification chemical kinetic problems of gas-solid reactions in the form of the unreacted-core shrinking model with governing ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The results show that the prediction performance of the developed PINN is comparable with that of the widely-used Runge-Kutta method, and thus it opens the possibility for the application of deep learning to the modelling of complex chemical kinetics systems.