Fertility, Growth Rate, Polymorphism of GH and FUT1 Genes of Hybrid between Wild Boars and Indigenous Breeds
Le, Thi Thu Hue
Nguyen, Van Hanh
Tran, Thi Huong Giang
Hoang Nghia, Son

How to Cite

Le T.T.H., Nguyen V.H., Tran T.H.G., Hoang Nghia S., 2021, Fertility, Growth Rate, Polymorphism of GH and FUT1 Genes of Hybrid between Wild Boars and Indigenous Breeds, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 89, 109-114.


Industrial breeding has contributed to the erosion of genetic diversity in pig breeds. The wild pig subjugating and crossbreeding with indigenous breeds is a method of restoring genetic resources and improving the quality of pig breeds. This study was conducted to investigate fertility, neonatal mortality, growth rate, and single nucleotide polymorphism in FUT1 and GH genes of Vietnam native wild pigs (WP) and hybrid of them with two indigenous breeds Mong Cai (MC) and Soc (S). 34 native wild pigs, including 18 boars and 16 sows, were collected from the wild boar at a young age and subjugated and randomly paired. The wild boars were randomly paired with 10 indigenous sows in each breed. According to the need, pigs are bred based on sell grazing model that the livestock has large space and supplement food sources. The results: The number of piglets/parity in wild pigs, (WPxMC) and (WPxS) was about 7-8 piglets; The birth weight of F1 in two-hybrid combinations (WPxMC) and (WPxS) was lower than the birth weight of WPxWP, (533.75 g, 489.00 g, and 613.43 g); The weaning weight (at 60 d old) in all 3 groups of pigs were similar, 6.45 kg (WPxMC), 6.32 kg (WPxS), 6.45 kg (WPxWP); the neonatal mortality rate was similar in WPxWP group (7.67 %) and F1 (WPxMC and WPxS) hybrids (9.28 % and 8.61 %). The growth rate from birth into 60 d of the group (WPxMC) was the highest (98.60 g/d) (P<0.05). At the period from weaned to 6 months old, the growth rate of piglet in group WPxMC was lower than that of two groups WPxWP and WPxS (92.01 g/d and 88.67 g/d). The growth rate in period 6 months to 10 months of piglet in group WPxWP was highest (245.03 g/d). Among the samples analyzing polymorphism level of the nucleotide C in GH gene at +378 and +329 position and FUT1 gene at M307 C/G point mutation were appeared in all group. The hybrid formula showed that hybrid pigs have good reproductive power, vigour, and good weight gain.