CFD study to assess safety aspects of TPRD releases from heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles and trains in tunnels
Hansen, Olav Roald
Hansen, Eirik Søreide
Kjellander, Malte Torbjörn
Martini, Remi

How to Cite

Hansen O.R., Hansen E.S., Kjellander M.T., Martini R., 2022, CFD study to assess safety aspects of TPRD releases from heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles and trains in tunnels, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 90, 91-96.


Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) and trains using hydrogen as fuel have significantly larger tanks than smaller fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). The requirement for depressurization time in case of fire may often be the same, thus there may be a need to dimension the thermal pressure relief devices (TPRDs) for significantly higher release rates than used in FCVs. This CFD-study assesses to what extent higher TPRD release rates than typically used for FCVs may be applied without compromising safety. The study has been performed in collaboration with partners in the MoZEES research centre.