Biernath J., Dürrwang J., Schmidt J., Denecke J., 2022, Methodology for a combined Safety and Security Analysis based on classic HAZOPs for Operational Technology Insert, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 90, 343-348.
The continuous increase in digitalization and automation in the chemical industry leads to more interconnected systems via internal and external networks. These systems are vulnerable to cyber-physical attacks and can affect safety. To protect chemical plants against safety-related failures and security-related attacks, a comprehensive and combined safety and security analysis is required. This article presents a uniform methodology, which includes safety hazards and security vulnerabilities as well as an analysis of potential hazards due to interaction between both. A strong focus is placed on the easy applicability of the method by integrating well-known safety procedures like HAZOP into the methodology. The article summarizes research results submitted for publication in (Biernath, 2022).