On the hazard investigation of polymerizing substances through experimental methods and theoretical chemistry
Fayet, Guillaume
Rotureau, Patricia
Vicot, Patricia

How to Cite

Fayet G., Rotureau P., Vicot P., 2022, On the hazard investigation of polymerizing substances through experimental methods and theoretical chemistry, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 90, 367-372.


Polymerizing substances can undergo strongly exothermic reactions under specific conditions such as transport. For this reason, they are considered under specific classification and safety recommendations. But their classification is mainly based on criteria initially intended for self-reactive substances and organic peroxides. So, considering their specific reactivity mechanisms, adaptations of the test methods and classification criteria could be needed and proposed.
In this context, Ineris engaged efforts to evaluate the possible limits of experimental methods and the potential of theoretical chemistry tools to investigate the hazards and reaction mechanisms associated to polymerizing substances and to their self-polymerization.