The aim of this review is to support and accelerate experts and commissioners work during the major chemical accident investigation process within the Czech Republic in the future using information technologies, and sharing the lessons learned. Investigator should always look for lessons learned from historical accidents including evidence left, involving dangerous chemicals, another evidence such as accident precursors and near misses, root causes and different types of damage. The purpose of the existing Czech database of major chemical accidents called “MAPIS” already is to share existing lessons learned, causal information and to enable classification according to the EU Gravity Scale based on human health, environment, community and economic impacts. Regarding to new potential requirements of accident investigators, it´s purpose should also be to provide as much root causes, typical clues and other indicators as well. In the introductory part of the article, description of current investigation state of the art within the Czech Republic has been briefly described. In the following part of the article, current needs analysis of investigating police officers and experts has been identified and discussed. As a part of project recherche activities, sometimes more deep and comparative analysis and critical review of available chemical accident sites been done and also briefly summarized for this topic. On the basis of upper mentioned activities, development of specific recommendations for improvements of Czech database MAPIS was done and approved for realisation in late 2021 and early 2022.