Application of Quality, Safety and Environmental Management Tools in Industrial Companies from the Litographic Sector
Gracia, Jeniffer
Acevedo, Paola
Trujillo, Emiro

How to Cite

Gracia J., Acevedo P., Trujillo E., 2022, Application of Quality, Safety and Environmental Management Tools in Industrial Companies from the Litographic Sector, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, 61-66.


This research contains a study performed in different companies from the lithographic sector of Bogotá city, Puente Aranda neighborhood. Currently, these companies require high consumption of raw materials and chemical substances to manufacture books, magazines, manuals, posters, brochures, and others. As a result, they lead to wasted paper, inks, glues, and solvents derived from different processes, generating various environmental impacts and occupational diseases.
To contribute to these companies' Industrial Safety and Occupational Health and environmental management and identify their environmental impacts, quality management tools and search for solutions were applied to the analysis of processes and products. It allowed the collection of relevant information on resource consumption, waste production (quantity and type of waste) and final disposal, and emissions at the source, heading to identifying the critical points to determine improvement opportunities.
According to the results obtained, approximately 21.33 Kg of toxic waste is generated monthly as hazardous waste or wastes during the manufacturing process. It causes different environmental impacts such as atmospheric toxic emissions and contamination of water sources, of which 56% corresponds to the waste and discharges through the production area; these discharges correspond to toxic wastes such as inks, glues, and reagents, which have special handling for this type of companies.