Risk of Odorous Gas Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Systems Related to Global Warming Effects
Maalem, Fida
Gery, Christophe
Siino, Fabien
Diallo, Madani
Crosnier, Isabelle
Cochard, Lea
Piet, Helene

How to Cite

Maalem F., Gery C., Siino F., Diallo M., Crosnier I., Cochard L., Piet H., 2022, Risk of Odorous Gas Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Systems Related to Global Warming Effects, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 95, 217-222.


Emissions of odorous gases resulting from the biological activity of wastewater is a known and documented phenomenon whose effects can be as detrimental to nearby residents as to network and WWTP managers. In addition, we have been experiencing global warming for several years, which has caused and continues to cause an increase in average temperatures on the earth's surface as well as a modification of other meteorological factors. Thus, it appears crucial for wastewater system managers to understand the evolutions caused by climate change to anticipate and reduce future impacts on their facilities.
In this context, the SIAAP (Syndicat interdépartemental pour l'assainissement de l'agglomération parisienne) has drawn up an inventory of the factors promoting the production of odorous gasses (in particular H2S) through a literature review. These factors were compared with data from the SIAAP measurement network for the period 2000-2022 and future evolution scenarios to determine if the global warming effects could lead to a deterioration in the odorous impact of wastewater collection and treatment facilities. The study shows that the effects of climate change seem to have contributed, from a probabilistic point of view to the creation of an additional risk of major H2S peak production on SIAAP WWTP and networks, almost exclusively related to the increase in temperature.