Electric Bus Charging Schedule for Multiple Route via Mathematical Modelling
Lim, Lek Keng
Ab Muis, Zarina
Hashim, Haslenda
Ho, Wai Shin
Chee, Wan Choy

How to Cite

Lim L.K., Ab Muis Z., Hashim H., Ho W.S., Chee W.C., 2022, Electric Bus Charging Schedule for Multiple Route via Mathematical Modelling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 97, 151-156.


The electric bus is a promising solution for tackling carbon emissions, as it can replace the steadily growing numbers of diesel buses in the public transportation sector resulting from high travel demand. An electric bus has lower energy storage compared to a diesel bus and requires a longer refueling time. The charging schedule for an electric bus must be well organized to fulfill bus energy demand and passenger travel demand. This study developed a mathematical model to schedule the charging times of electric buses on multiple routes, based on a 24-hr day with a single charging station and a limited number of chargers. The model helps to minimize overall costs, including the charger cost (based on the number of chargers installed) and operating cost (based on the electric tariff). The results indicate that 2 chargers are sufficient to provide energy for 8 buses on 3 different routes. This model can assist transit planners in determining the optimal number of chargers to install at a bus depot and planning bus charging schedules. However, the electric buses’ limited battery storage capacity inhibits savings incurred by the electricity tariff.