E&T&C Certification, new Protocol to Rate Engagement, Transparency and Communication in Industrial Activities. When the Odour Unit is not Enough
Diaz, Carlos
Izquierdo, Cyntia
Anton, Ainhoa

How to Cite

Diaz C., Izquierdo C., Anton A., 2023, E&T&C Certification, new Protocol to Rate Engagement, Transparency and Communication in Industrial Activities. When the Odour Unit is not Enough, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 101, 229-234.


There is a need for a framework to mainstream citizen engagement, increase Transparency and boost Communication channels in case of repeated impact episodes in neighbouring communities. When there is a conflict, most crisis communication experts agree that Engagement Transparency and Communication (E&T&C) are vital to maintaining or regaining the neighbours' trust. The Volkswagen emissions scandal is a recent case demonstrating the negative outcome of not having a participation, transparency and communication policy.
To promote a change in the traditional industrial opaque thinking paradigm, we have created the first E&T&C Certification. This Certification is designed to assess the performance of industrial plants concerning their relationship with communities nearby, making it the first Certification of its kind.
A project's performance is verified through "third-party" audits by an independent auditor, depending on the degree of depth of analysis. This third-party Certification guarantees independence and impartiality in the process. The ultimate goal is to score the degree of an industrial plant's Transparency, Communication and Participation.